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Online Communities with Health in Mind

Practice Health Daily provides our clients with online communities where they can connect with, learn from, and ask questions of other people on their own nutrition, health, and overall wellness journeys. 


These groups are private to ensure that members can have fruitful discussions without worrying about their personal health and nutrition questions being publicly searchable. Practice Health Daily moderates these communities to curb the spread of any false or potentially harmful nutrition misinformation.


For any person, we know having a supportive community increases your chances of progressing on your health and well-being goals. Our online communities are places where you can share your victories and challenges and learn from others who may face the same challenges or have the same goals as you.

The Practice Health Daily Newsletter

The Practice Health Daily Newsletter is the perfect community to join if you’re looking for straightforward, accurate nutrition advice, healthy recipes, and more sent directly to your inbox. We’ll never sell your information or share it with third parties without your permission.

Practice Health Daily Facebook Group

Are you tired of seemingly endless health gurus, quick fixes, gimmicks, and nutrition misinformation on social media?


The Practice Health Daily Facebook group is a private group for clients who want a place on social media where they can reliably get nutrition information as well as ask questions of others working to better their health through nutrition, exercise, sleep hygiene, mental health, and stress management.

Want to Join Practice Health Daily?

Practice Health Daily is a registered dietitian telehealth nutrition counseling service accepted by six major insurance carriers. Many of Practice Health Daily’s clients are 100% covered by their insurance coverage.

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